I kind of forgot I had this blog thing. I don't really have many new things to say, but to keep the hecklers happy (cough cough NATE cough), I will tell you some of the things I have been doing and not doing this summer.
Things I've been doing, in no particular order:
- I got a job! I work at a daycare in the afternoons and I love it. It reeeally beats waiting tables. There's still a lot of people-pleasing, but the people I have to please are tiny and think that "Because Miss Caroline said so" is a good reason to do something. I come home everyday ten pounds heavier because of all the sand in my hair.
- I talk on the phone with people I miss.
- I hang out with people I used to miss before I came back to Kansas.
- There have been a lot of good conversations with God and with other people about God.
- On Tuesday nights I go to Downtown Christian Fellowship, which is basically a lot of college-age Christians fellowshiping downtown. And I love it!
- A few weeks ago, Frances and I drew faces on a bunch of potatoes. It was totally her idea.
- I'm really good at bringing the history of the English language into conversation whether other people want to hear about it or not (they don't).
- I've been reading my Lonely Planet guidebook to Israel and the Palestinian territories and getting excited for my trip. I'm still trying to plan out how I'm going to spend the last 2 weeks of being there, during which I will be a wandering vagabond.
- Sometimes I go to the Y.
Things I have not been doing:
- Reading, unfortunately. Mostly what I read these days is my guidebook. I haven't finished a single book in the month since I've been home. I'm in the process of reading some real winners though.
- Making much money.
- Spelunking. Ever.
- I definitely haven't been studying Hebrew as much as I should be. Sometimes I do flashcards I found on the internet, but then later I can only remember half of the phrase, or I can remember the whole phrase but not what it means.
- Drugs
Hmm. I think this was a good list to make. I'm having a pretty good summer. If there's something in there that you are jonesin' to hear more about, let me know and I would love to tell you. Another thing: do you have Skype? Maybe you should look into it so we can chat. Also here's a wikipedia article that you may or may not enjoy. I thought it was a little bit hilarious. I will probably get sued for posting that.

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