Yesterday I went to the City of David with Madeleine and Sara. We sloshed through Hezekiah's Tunnel, a long underground water system built by King Hezekiah during the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem (which you can read about in 2 Chronicles 32, the tunnel is mentioned in verses 3, 4, and 30). The water came above my knees at the entrance, but for most of the 40-minute walk, it was less than a foot high. We sang the Indiana Jones theme song going in to make it feel more adventurous. Caves are great! I think I could live in one. However, once I get my first cave home, rowdy Israeli children will not be welcome. There was a family behind us, with what sounded like sixty kids or so, all screeching and singing in Hebrew. The acoustics were excellent. We yelled at them to be quiet in as many languages as we knew, but to no avail. PLUS once we got out to the pool of Siloam, they kept splashing me. The nerve. Other than that, it was a splendid experience! I wish I had pictures, but it was pretty dark in there.
The tunnels spits you out in the middle of a neighborhood, so we had to walk aaalll the way back up to the entrance, then aaalll the way back to the Old City, then aaalll the way around the Old City because no one believed me that our bus stop was there. Sigh. It's ok though, because we ended up having lunch at some kind of Catholic hotel/coffee shop. It was delicious! I haven't felt that full in weeks.
Time to go get my laundry. I realized after I started the washer that I didn't have enough change for the dryer. NOOooo! Thank goodness someone invented the clothesline. Since I have no pictures for you, here's one. It's a good use for a rice paddy.

I feel like you have a huge store of incredibly random things that you're just waiting to use. Where do you find things like Paul Revere-esque rice paddies? Good luck on your test in a few hours! See you in two weeks.