Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I still really want a cheeseburger

I got to Tel Aviv two days ago, with many thanks to Boris, who carried my heavy, chunky, broken suitcase the whole way. I have been relaxing on the beach, hanging out with friends (I've met some people I knew in Jerusalem and Haifa), wandering through markets, and being a lazy bum. I wasn't expecting to like Tel Aviv too much, since I'm not really into hot weather, beaches, or partying, all of which are things this city is famous for. I've really been enjoying it here though! The city is set up for very active people, and there are always people outside taking advantage of it. There's a public beach that stretches the whole length of the city, and a nice promenade with lots of grass, playgrounds, and even these weights machines that people actually use. It's a great city to walk around in (aside from the humidity), and I've been doing a lot of that.

What does the name Tel Aviv mean? I'm so glad you asked! "Tel" is Hebrew for hill, but specifically a mound that has been created from cities built on the ruins of other cities, making a hill with layers of history. "Aviv" means spring. I like the two words together, because one is about having a rich past, and one is about having a hopeful future. Words are great, right? End of linguistics lecture.

Since I got here, I have tried a plethora of interesting foods! Let me tell you about that.
  • At a restaurant in Jaffo called Dr. Shokshouka, I had a delicious potato stuffed with lamb or beef or something. It was splendid, and I wish I remembered the actual name of it.
  • My friend Shayna brought some watermelon to the beach, and it was orange! So weird! It tasted fine, but a little like flour. I hope it wasn't poisonous.
  • Last night I went to Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar, which was as magical as it sounds. I had chocolate souffle that was served with ice cream, a beaker of hot fudge sauce, and little chocolatey pebble things. I may never need to eat chocolate again.
  • Frozen yogurt adventure--passionfruit, mango, pineapple, and a strawberry. It's a good combination!
  • Pastries I have eaten include 1) something that may have been a donut, and 2) a potato bureka. Imagine mashed potatoes in puff pastry. Mmm food.
I leave tomorrow night from Ben-Gurion airport! I'm pretty excited. Pray for safe and problem-free travel! I can't wait to get home and see you people and complain to you about how bad American hummus is compared to the real thing.


  1. Two more days! I'm excited about this thing. Enjoy Tel Aviv until then!

  2. Food sounds fun! I love trying new things... And I am always hungry!

